
Showing posts from August, 2017

Choosing Topics for blog

The topic we choose for writing blog is called as Niche of our blog.   Most of the new blogger write on multiple topics. But they commit a very big mistake. Niche should be fixed. Nobody likes a deviated blog. Some points which we must keep in your mind while blogging: Read your own blog (forgetting yourself as a Blogger). By doing this you will be able to find out many ways which will make your blog better. Try to use WE instead of YOU. Choose your niche very wisely. You must have interest and good amount of knowledge on that particular topic. Go for Multiple Niche only if you are blogging personally and if you don't care much about your website's traffic (hence earnings). If you are very confused in choosing niche then see the link below. It contains topic which has a good number of audience.           Top 10 topics for blogging   Don't copy and paste. Have your own idea and useful content. All above points are must if you want to make your blog a po

How to Create CATEGORY on blog without knowing HTML

Creating Category makes any blog attractive. It makes very easy to find any article in the blog. If you want make a Category option same as this blog in your blog, then follow the points below: Go to Layout. Add a Gadget.  Select HTML/JAVASCRIPT. Write Category in Title. Copy and Paste the following in Content. <div id='menubar'>  <ul id='menus'> <ul> <li> <a href='Link'> Link Title </a> </li> <li> <a href='Link'> Link Title </a> </li> <li> <a href='Link'> Link Title </a> </li> <li> <a href='Link'> Link Title </a> </li> <li> <a href='Link'> Link Title </a> </li> <li> <a href='Link'> Link Title </a> </li> <li> <a href='Link'> Link Title </a> </li> <li> <a href=&#

How to get your blog on google without any waitings

Every blogging beginners have their first aim to get their blog on Google. It's very easy if you are on If you follow the instructions below then it will not take even 1 second after completing all the steps. Let's See (Don't worry about the Subheading meanings): 1. Finalizing Meta Tags Go to Setting.  Go to Search Preferences. Edit Description in Meta Tags. Yes it. 2. Finalizing Google Search Console  Now Edit Google Search Console in Crawlers and indexing . A new website (of google) will open. Add a property. Write your website's URL. Then tap ADD . 3. Adding  Sitemap Go to  Sitemap Generator . Write your website's URL including http:// and then generate. Copy the link generated. Again goto Search preference in Setting. Edit Custom robots.txt. Enable it by ticking 'Yes'. Then paste the sitemap link generated here and save the changes. Edit Custom robots header tags. Then, enable it by ticking ''Yes"

Top 10 Topics for blogging

Here are some topics having good number of audiences. Tricks and Hacks of Technology How to's Solution to different type of problems Review different kind of products Blogging ideas Travelling Experiences Educational Fitness, Meditation, etc. Your views on all types of news Inspirational quotes, etc.

How to start a blog

Making a blog is very simple (continuing it is very hard). First of all, choose a blogging website where you will blog. Every blog has it's own advantages and disadvantages. I will recommend to blog on as it is easy to get your blog indexed in Google (Every new blogger wants this desperately). So Here are the Steps: Open Tap Create a Blog. Sign in to your google account. Skip this step if you are already signed in. You can choose google+ profile or Blogger profile. I will recommend Google+ profile. Later on, you can switch your profile. You may or may not get to edit your Google+ profile. If you get, then Skip it. Tap Continue as a Blogger. Now tap Create New Blog. Now a window will appear. Here you get to choose any Title for you website.  Choose your domain and check whether it's available or not. If it's available, then choose any theme you like and then go to Create Blog.  That's it. You have successfully made a blog. Start p